
From OpenCompute
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Specs and Designs

All 'OCP Accepted' specifications, design packages, and reference design contributions have been moved from the WIKI to an online database that is updated every Friday. for all Specifications & Design Collateral contributions
and for Server Project contributions

Orderable products based on these contributions are at for all Orderable Products
and for just Server Products

Informational documents and specifications that are in-process and haven't been accepted by OCP are in our working documents WIKI which is updated regularly. The Server Project has several sub-projects and any documents relevant to these groups will be posted in that group’s Wiki Server Project Working documents Wiki Server Project HPC (High Performance computing) Sub-Project Wiki Server Project Mezz (NIC 3.0) Sub-Project Wiki Server Project OAI Sub-Project Wiki Server Project ODSA Sub-Project Wiki

Marketplace Families

In both the Contributions and Products database pages there is a series of checkboxes in the left panel that can narrow down your search.
For Server Project check the “Server” checkbox and one of the family checkboxes below.

OpenRack v2 Main Open Rack V2 platform

OpenRack v1

OpenRack V1 platform. Note that rack specs are under the rack and power project
Server Non OpenRack Servers
Project Olympus Project Olympus (See subgroup)
OCS Open Cloud Server platform
OCP Mezzanine OCP Mezzanine V0.5 and V2. OCP NIC 3.0
19" Server 19" rack gear: Decathlete Vx, Hyve Ambient Series-E, QuantaGrid D51B, etc
SOC Boards Multi server Micro-Server card: Mono Lake, Panther+, etc
1S SOC Single Socket designs. (ie. Micro-Server, Mono Lake, Panther+)
Barreleye P9 CPU based Barreleye and Zaius
PCI Card PCIE form factor retimer and M.2 carrier cards
Debug Card Debug Card
Other Other\Miscellaneous contributions

Legacy WIKI page

The Legacy specs and products WIKI page with submissions from 2011-2016 is still available at: