Call for Nominations to serve as OCP Project Leads for 2024-2026

The Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation would like to announce that nominations are now open for its OCP Project Leads. Starting Tuesday June 18th through Friday, July 19th, OCP will begin accepting Nominations for all OCP Top-Level Project Lead positions.  

If you or someone you know would like to run for one of the op-Level Project Lead positions, please fill out this WEBFORM. Current Project Leads are also eligible to run for re-election.

Sub-Project Leads are appointed positions at OCP and not up for election at this time. While there is no specific term established for these Sub-Project positions, OCP understands that these positions can be quite demanding as the community grows. If any Sub-Projects are interested in seeking new leadership and/or are interested in Co-Lead opportunities, please let us know so we can support the community as best as possible. 

OCP Project Lead Positions open for election:

Roles and Responsibilities:

Leadership of an OCP project is, by far, one of the most important volunteer roles within the OCP ecosystem. The role of an OCP Project Lead includes (but not limited to):

  • Develops and maintains the OCP Project charter with approval from Steering Committee rep, OCP Foundation, and OCP Top-level Project Community
  • Develops annual plan for OCP Project including milestones, expected OCP Contributions, and the creation / transition of OCP Sub-Projects and workstreams
  • Appoints Sub-Project and workstream leads with approval from Steering Committee representative and OCP Foundation
  • Works with Sub-Project / workstream leads to define the mission of these efforts
  • Monitor and reports monthly on progress of top-level Project, Sub-Projects and workstreams
  • May create or transition a sub-project / workstream as deemed necessary, in collaboration with the Steering Committee representative and OCP Foundation
  • Provides material to Steering Committee rep for regular OCP Project updates to the Steering Committee
  • Sets the agenda and chairs the regular OCP Project calls
  • Provides guidance to OCP member companies seeking to participate in an OCP Contribution
  • Conducts an annual review of the OCP Project charter with the top-level Project community members
  • Establishes and maintains the project roadmaps

Additional details can befound here.


Nominees may be self-nominated or can be nominated by another individual. All nominees must belong to an OCP Member organization. Co-leadership is encouraged! If you would like to run along with another (or multiple) co-lead(s) please note this in the submission form. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact OCP staff.

To nominate someone for the position of OCP Project Lead please use this WEBFORM


To be eligible to vote for a project lead in this election, individuals must belong to an OCP Member organization. 

If you belong to a member organization then please use your organizational email address on the voting form - this email will be used to validate your vote!

Election Timeline:

  • June 18th - Call for Nominations Starts

  • July 12th - Call for Nominations Ends

  • July 12th - Publish list of Nominees

  • July 15th - Voting Begins

  • August 5th - Voting Ends

  • Aug 5th - New Leads Announced

  • Aug 6th- Aug 16th - Transition/On-Boarding of New Project Leads

  • Aug 19th - New Project Leads assume Project Responsibilities

Term Length: 2 years:  August 2024  - July 2026 



If you have any questions about this election please email or

If you have any questions about the status of your OCP membership please email