OCP Summit Terminology Explained

When it was brought up on our internal OCP team call recently that we should streamline our event terminology, I jumped at the opportunity. I’m nothing if not a fan of efficiency and consolidation. Our event team took some time over the last few days to review our Summit lingo and made some constructive adjustments. When it comes to Summit content, specifically, we know it can get confusing. So many session types, submission plans, timelines… throw in the sub-event of Symposium, and its lexicon lunacy.

Therefore, I’m hoping this high-level overview of our revised terminology will help shed some clarity on what can otherwise seem complicated. And if you’re like me and love to get into the nitty gritty, check out the table below for more details on each content area of Summit - how they are curated, to whom they apply, if the content is reviewed, etc.

OCP Summit Content

  1. Summit Keynotes
  2. Breakout Sessions - new term
    1. OCP Project Sessions - term change (formerly Engineering Workshops)
      1. Examples: Rack and Power, Cooling Environments
    2. Special Focus Sessions
      1. Examples: Optics, Quantum
    3. OCP Foundation curated topics
      1. Examples: Adoption Study reports, Use Cases, Foundation Updates
  3. Summit Innovation Village Stations
    1. Lightning Sessions - term change (formerly Lightning Talks)
  4. Sponsored Sessions
    1. Executive Sessions - term change (formerly Executive Talks)
    2. Expo Hall Sessions - term change (formerly Expo Hall Talks)
  5. Co-located Workshops - tracks hosted by our open source partners as part of the overall Summit 

Future Technologies Symposium (FTS) Content

  1. FTS Keynotes
  2. FTS Posters
    1. Author Sessions (subset of Posters group, present findings on stage) - term change (formerly Author Presentations)
  3. Future Technologies Initiative (FTI) Breakout Sessions (presentations of FTI Workstreams)
  4. FTS Technology Demonstrations


OCP Summit
  Keynotes Breakout Sessions Innovation Village Lightning Sessions Executive Sessions Expo. Hall Sessions
What are they? Main stage plenary presentations Technical deep-dives Presentations from each Station in the Experience Center Presentations from executives representing sponsor organizations Presentations from executives representing sponsor organizations
Venue Grand Ballroom/Main Theatre Breakout rooms Presentation Stage in Expo Hall Breakout rooms Presentation Stage in Expo Hall
Timing Day 1 morning Days 2 & 3 Days 2 & 3 Day 1 afternoon Days 1 & 2
Duration Varies Varies 10 minutes 15-25 minutes 15 minutes
Who gets them? Mix of Diamond Sponsors and curated talks by OCP. Editorially chosen - Those accepted from the Call for Presentations Every Station in the Innovation Village Sponsors: Diamond & Emerald Sponsors: Diamond, Emerald & Ruby
Call for Presentations? No Yes - Summit C4P Yes - Can submit for a Station No No
More Info / How to apply? Email Kali Burdette Click here Click here Click here
Content Reviewed Formal review process Formal review process Formal review process Informally reviewed Informally reviewed
After acceptance - How to submit materials (photo, bio, title, description, slides) Email Kali Burdette FNvirtual  Email Kelly G FNvirtual  FNvirtual 
Contact for Questions Kali Burdette, Director of Global Events, OCP Kate Hendle, Meeting Planner, OCP Rob Coyle, Community Technical Program Manager, OCP Jacki Krawiecki, Sponsor Lead, FNTECH Jacki Krawiecki, Sponsor Lead, FNTECH


Future Technologies Symposium
  Keynotes Posters Author Sessions Breakout Sessions Technology Demonstrations
What are they? Symposium main stage plenary presentations Accepted papers displayed as large posters featuring future technolgoies in one of five categories Subset of accepted Posters - present their findings on stage Presentations from FTI Workstreams Interactive display of future technolgies (small table-top booth)
Venue Main Symposium Stage Displayed in Summit Lobby Areas Main Symposium Stage Breakout Rooms Symposium Lobby
Timing Day 2 Displayed Days 1-3 Day 2 Day 2 Day 2
Duration Varies n/a Varies Varies n/a
Who gets them? Curated by FTS leadership Editorially chosen - Those accepted from the Call for Papers Editorially chosen - Subset of accepted Posters Curated by FTI Chair & FTI Workstream Leaders Editorially chosen - Those accepted from Call for Demonstrations
Call for Presentations? No Yes Yes No Yes
More Info / How to apply? Email Lesya Dymyd Click here Click here Click here
Content Reviewed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
After acceptance - How to submit materials (photo, bio, title, description, slides) Email Lesya Dymyd FNvirtual FNvirtual  FNvirtual  Email Lesya Dymyd
Contact for Questions Lesya Dymyd, FTS & FTI Chair, OCP

Submissions are open for most of the areas listed above! Click here for information on each and the links to apply.

We look forward to seeing you October 17-29 in San Jose for the 2023 OCP Global Summit!